> "Manfred Schwarb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I just installed wget 1.9.1, works fine.  But on my machine,
> > translations are broken somehow, all special characters are
> > scrambled. With wget 1.9 this didn't happen.
> There was no change in handling translation from 1.9 to 1.9.1, except
> perhaps for a new `de.po' from the Translation Project.  Indeed, the
> blunder is theirs: they switched to utf-8 for `de.po', but forgot to
> mark it as utf-8.
> They fixed this problem later, so future versions of Wget will not
> have this problem.  If you want, you can download the latest German PO
> file from the Translation Project and correct the problem yourself.

I followed the hint of Gisle and did 
cat de.po | iconv -f UTF-8 -t ISO-8859-1 > de.po.new; mv de.po.new de.po

this worked great.


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