Dan Jacobson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I sure hope that when one sees
>   Connecting to jidanni.org[]:80... connected.
> that there is no interference along the way, that that IP is really
> where we are going, to wget's best ability.

I can guarantee that much -- the entire point of printing the IP
address is for knowledgable people to be able to tell where the hell
they're *really* connecting.

> By the way, /etc/hosts affects other users on the system, and other
> jobs than the current one; and one might be using various caching
> DNSs, etc. Just one more justification for this wishlist
> item. --connect-address sounds ok... whatever.

Have you seen the rest of the discussion?  Would it do for you if Wget
correctly handled something like:

    wget --header='Host: jidanni.org'

(I'm trying to avoid new command-line options except where absolutely
necessary.  Wget has a *lot* of them already.)

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