I pointed this out about a year ago. As I recall, the response I got back then was that fixing it is "too hard." I'm looking for any way to download new/newer files on a specific list (wild cards won't make the proper selection) where wget makes one connection and keeps it for the entire operation. In my instance the annoyance was that wget dropped the connection after each file was downloaded and then took time to remake the connection for the next file. The .listing file isn't so long as to be a problem, but if the server is busy (close to overload), I want to keep the first established connection until the job is done. (All files on the list are in the same directory on the same host. But I only want to update four files out of about twenty, and some of the unwanted files are large enough that I don't want to just download all of them.)

Fred Holmes

At 11:35 PM 7/12/2014, Adam Klobukowski wrote:
If wget is used with --input-file option, it gets directory listing
for each file specified in input file (if ftp protocol) before
downloading each file, which is quite annyoying if there are few
thousand of small files in the filelist, and every directory listing
is way longer then any file, in other words: overhead is to big to be

Semper Fidelis

Adam Klobukowski

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