[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Steven M. Schweda) writes:

> 1.  I'd say that code like "if ( sizeof(number) == 8 )" should have
> been a compile-time #ifdef rather than a run-time decision.

Where do you see such code?  grep 'if.*sizeof' *.c doesn't seem to
show such examples.

> 2.  Multiple functions like print_number_as_string() and
> print_second_number_as_string() (and so on?) look like a real pain
> to use.

They're just a hack to get multiple %s's to work.  If you have a
better idea of how to code them, feel free to suggest!

> The Info-ZIP code uses one function with a ring of string buffers to
> ease the load on the programmer.

That makes sense.  I assume the print function also receives an
integer argument specifying the ring position?

> 3.  print_second_number_as_string()?  Are you sure the names are
> long enough?  (VMS C (by default) truncates externals longer than 31
> characters, so I worry about these things even if no one else
> objects to typing for days on one statement.)

That identifier is 29 characters long, so it should work AFAIK.  If
someone knows of a system (still in use) that doesn't support it, let
us know.

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