Herold Heiko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Said that, in retr.c simplifying the int rdsize line did not solve, but I
> tried the following, we have:
> #ifndef MIN
> # define MIN(i, j) ((i) <= (j) ? (i) : (j))
> #endif
> ....
>     int rdsize = exact ? MIN (toread - sum_read, dlbufsize) : dlbufsize;
>     double tmout = opt.read_timeout;
> Commenting out the double tmout... line removes the compiler error, OR
> exact ? (toread... (without MIN!) does compile, OR
> commenting out the #ifndef MIN..#endif does compile (in other words, MIN is
> already defined somewhere, how can I discover where?),

The whole point of #ifndef MIN ... #endif is to *use* the
compiler-provided MIN where available.

Dealing with a compiler crash is tricky, as it seems that every change
has a potential of causing it to occur.  Could you maybe tone down or
remove the optimization flags when compiling retr.c?

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