Hrvoje Niksic wrote:
> But I wonder if that's overengineering at work.

I don't think so. The overarching concern is to do what's "expected". As you
noted elsewhere, on a Unix system, that means exit(0) in the case of success
-- preferably with exit(meaningful_value) otherwise. As I recall this chain
started because of the absence of a meaningful value.

I think the use of a setexitcode function could easily satisfy people in the
Unix world and will greatly simply people adapting wget for other operating

Reflecting on the exchange that you and Steven just had, I think we also
need at wget_exit function that calls exit with an appropriate value. (That
will allow Steven to further adapt for the VMS environment.) In that case,
exit should only be called by wget_exit.

By the way, when do we start on 2.0? I don't know how much time I will be
able to devote to serious coding, but I'd love to participate as fully as I
can in both the architecture and development.


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