Mauro Tortonesi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>>>>>wget -r --filter=-domain:www-*
>>>>This appears to match "", "",
>>>>"", and so on, if interpreted as a regex.
>>> not really. it would not match
>> Why not?
> i may be wrong, but if - is not a special charachter, the previous
> expression should match only domains starting with www- and ending
> in [randomchar]yoyodyne[randomchar]com.

"*" matches the previous character repeated 0 or more times.  This is
in contrast to wildcards, where "*" alone matches any character 0 or
more times.  (This is part of why regexps are often confusing to
people used to the much simpler wildcards.)

Therefore "www-*" matches "www", "www-", "www--", etc., i.e. Scott's
interpretation was correct.  What you describe is achieved with the

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