I believe this is not actually a problem in wget itself but in the
environment.  I don't generally use wget directly, but I use yum,
which evidently does.  Yum stopped working a week or so ago and my
attempt to debug leads to wget.

The typical problem:
  # wget http://rpm.livna.org/fedora/4/i386/RPMS.lvn/
  --13:08:51--  http://rpm.livna.org/fedora/4/i386/RPMS.lvn/
             => `index.html.1'
  Resolving rpm.livna.org... failed: No such file or directory.

If I replace rpm.livna.org with an ip address then things work.
For now I'm making yum work by adding the repositories I need to
/etc/hosts.  Incidentally, strace shows that /etc/resolv.conf is
being read.  But tcpdump shows that no dns queries are sent.

My real question is what could cause this behavior.
If you also have some idea of what might have changed (probably
due to automatic updates - FC4) in the last few weeks to cause this
or for that matter, how to fix it, I'll be glad to hear about that

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