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Hrvoje Niksic wrote:
> Micah Cowan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>   - Automated packaging and package-testing
> What packaging does this refer to exactly?

Distribution tarballs. Automake has extremely good built-in creation and
testing of distribution tarballs. It'll pack 'em up, then unpack it to
someplace, do a build (IIRC, from a separate location from the unpacked
source), and a test (I think?), and then check various properties on the
results. It's very nice!

>>   - Automatic support for a wide variety of configuration and build
>> scenarios, such as configuring or building from a location other than
>> the source directory tree, or the DESTDIR late installation-location
>> variable.
> This has worked with Autoconf-enabled programs (including Wget) for
> ages.

Not very well, at least in the case of wget.

For instance, *.gmo files end up in the source directories, rather than
in separate build directories, at least at the moment. I'm sure this is
easily fixed, but I suspect other issues may lurk.

>>   - Complicated
>> I actually don't find this to be true. The arguments to this effect seem
>> to refer to the generated Makefiles.... but you don't _edit_ those.
> I think this is the crucial point.  If you really find the generated
> Makefiles to be managable, both in case when you need to edit them by
> hand (for whatever reason) and in the case when you need to understand
> them (to tell why something went wrong or to fix a problem), then
> Automake is the right choice.  I find Automake-generated Makefiles to
> be completely unreadable and immutable.  The only ones that even come
> close are the Makefiles generated by imake, and autotools were
> supposed to be a step forward.

They could certainly be more readable, 'tis true. But so far I've always
been able to find what I was looking for, and alter the Makefile.am file
 appropriately to fix the issue.

I won't deny that Automake is not entirely flexible (and I should have
mentioned this in the cons); but so far I have not run into a situation
where I really could not make Automake do what I needed. I may have
sometimes needed to write an ugly rule or two, but IMO the benefits far
outweigh these problems.

>> In terms of actually writing the Makefile.am documents, though, in
>> general it is actually much _easier_ than writing the plain Makefile
>> equivalents.
> As long as what you want to do is supported by Automake, yes.

Heh, yeah, see above. :)

>> I obviously wouldn't be looking to make the move for our upcoming
>> 1.11 release in September; but I would desire to make the move soon
>> thereafter. Since this was apparently something that some people
>> felt strongly about, I thought it'd be wise to broach the subject
>> now, so we have plenty of time to discuss it. So, please speak up!
> I don't think you will find hard technical arguments one way or the
> other; at this point the choice seems a matter of taste more than
> anything else.  And as always in such matters, who does the work gets
> to make the call.  Either way, I'll certainly support your decision.

Thanks! :)

I can't claim to be an Automake fanboy (or really, Autotools in
general). I definitely believe it is not appropriate for all projects;
but it's my (current) opinion that it is appropriate for this one.

- --
Micah J. Cowan
Programmer, musician, typesetting enthusiast, gamer...

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