mm w wrote:

> Hi, after all, after all it's only my point of view :D
> anyway,
> "/dir/file",
> "dir/File", non-standard
> "Dir/file", non-standard
> and "/Dir/File" non-standard

According to RFC 2396: The path component contains data, specific to the 
authority (or the scheme if there is no authority component), identifying the 
resource within the scope of that scheme and authority.

In other words, those names are well within the standard when the server 
understands them. As far as I know, there is nothing in Internet standards 
restricting mixed case paths.

> that's it, if the server manages non-standard URL, it's not my
> concern, for me it doesn't exist

Oh. I see. You're writing to say that wget should only implement features that 
are meaningful to you. Thanks for your narcissistic input.


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