Also sprach Ian Hickson:

 > > Given this, I would suggest Ogg Theora be the natively supported video 
 > > format common to all browsers.  It's designed from the beginning to be 
 > > unencumbed.  And implementations for it already exist under licenses 
 > > that should make everyone happy.
 > A number of other people said similar things about Ogg Theora.
 > For now, the spec says that UAs SHOULD support Theora for video and Vorbis 
 > for audio, and SHOULD support the Ogg container format (it's not a MUST 
 > because some vendors may have legal reasons why they can't or won't 
 > support it, and there's no point making them non-conforming when they have 
 > no choice in the matter).

I'd rather make <video> and <audio> optional so that those who cannot
support these Ogg on these elements (for whatever reason) can still
comply with the spec. They can also support proprietary codecs through

              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª

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