Also sprach Geoffrey Sneddon:

 > > Yes. If a vendor, for some reason, is unable to support the Ogg
 > > codecs, I think it's better that they (a) do not support <video>, than
 > > (b) they support <video> with proprietary codecs only.
 > >
 > > Interoperability has more value than conformace.
 > I think forcing browsers to support a codec when it is outdated is  
 > wrong.

In this context, I think the spec and the codec will be outdated
roughly at the same time. Likewise, I think HTML/GIF/JPEG/PNG will all
reach, roughly the same age. 

I have a long-standing bet that computers we buy 40 years from now
(the bet was entered into ten years ago) will be able to read web
pages from 1997.

I think it's time to add video and audio codecs to this select list.

              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª

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