----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Sander Tekelenburg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, March 17, 2007 2:05 PM
Subject: Re: [whatwg] require img dimensions to be correct?

| At 03:46 +1300 UTC, on 2007-03-17, Dean Edridge wrote:
| > The chance of someone not being able to access this CSS, and actually
| >noticing or caring that the images aren't rendered correctly
| The argument is not rendering "correctly", but to avoid "jumpy"
| rendering/achieve faster page loading by letting the browser know beforehand
| what amount of space to allocate for the image.

So the main motivation is to avoid "jumpy" rendering, correct?

In principle style sheet downloading is also asynchronous process.
And CSS can do many things that may cause "jumps". 
So if we will require image to have known dimensions up front 
then this means that CSS has to be loaded before any initial rendering.

I mean that <img width=... height=...> is only one piece of the puzzle.

I think that in most cases will be better if we could package
complex pages into zip envelopes and deliver them in the whole.
That would be real solution of "jumps".  And <img width=... height=...> 
is a palliative.

Andrew Fedoniouk.

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