At 15:28 -0800 UTC, on 2007-03-17, Andrew Fedoniouk wrote:


> So the main motivation is to avoid "jumpy" rendering, correct?


> In principle style sheet downloading is also asynchronous process.
> And CSS can do many things that may cause "jumps".
> So if we will require image to have known dimensions up front
> then this means that CSS has to be loaded before any initial rendering.
> I mean that <img width=... height=...> is only one piece of the puzzle.

Fair point.
may need to be reconsidered. (All those requirements are just an initial take
anyway. Feedback is required before it can become a stable document.)

> I think that in most cases will be better if we could package
> complex pages into zip envelopes and deliver them in the whole.

Maybe. But then you'd need sophisticated content-negotiation, or otherwise
you'd force data to be downloaded by UAs that can't or won't handle it. (I
don't mean the zip file itself, but its content.)

Sander Tekelenburg
The Web Repair Initiative: <>

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