On Jan 31, 2008, at 3:01 PM, Charles wrote:

Inserting a [SWF] file into a video element is similar to inserting
an HTML file that happens to have a link to video: sure, it links
to a video, but it does a billion other things too - it isn't
in itself the video.

I hear you. FWIW, here's a QuickTime Movie that's also not in itself the
video:  http://wiltgen.net/tempy/badder.mov

Please pardon the content.  It's what I had handy from some previous
testing.   :^)

Sementically that Movie *is* video (even though technially it contains no media), and so it seems desirable to want to embed it using <video>. And we'll be able to in Safari, but not IE. Or at least, I'm pretty confident
that Apple won't be packaging QuickTime as DirectShow filters.

Imagine the QuickTime plug-in being able to register itself with IE's brower as a handler for <video> types that IE otherwise wouldn't handle. That seems like a very desirable thing, but the more we talk the more it seems
outside the scope of what HTML5 can solve.

If IE implemented <video> based on DirectShow, then it seems there would already be a way for Apple to do that (write a DirectShow filter).

I can't promise either way that Apple would or wouldn't provide extended video codecs to IE's <video>, but I don't think the decision will depend deeply on whether the relevant API is ActiveX or DirectShow or something else.


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