Kristof Zelechovski wrote:

Do you think that HTML5 should allow arbitrary experimentation under the
banner "Let us just do it and we shall see?"

I don't think HTML 5 should allow arbitrary experimentation.

That doesn't change the fact that the HTML 5 spec is full of arbitrary experimentation, which is one of the reasons I think this whole effort has gone badly off the rails and will fail.

I fully expect to be revisiting this whole mess in 5-10 years to come up with a real spec, after we've seen which of the experiments succeeded and which failed. Then again maybe we'll just decide that specs don't matter, and live with whatever browser vendors choose to implement.

Maybe that's OK. That's pretty much how the Web has worked for close to 20 years now, and it seems to be muddling along. Maybe no HTML spec has ever really been anything but an experiment anyway.

Elliotte Rusty Harold  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Refactoring HTML Just Published!

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