On 3/1/09 14:02, Julian Reschke wrote:
Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
Well, it'll require an N3 parser where previously none was needed.

RDFa requires an RDFa parser as well, and in general *any* metadata
requires a parser, so this point is moot. The only metadata that
doesn't require a parser is no metadata at all.

With RDFa, most of the parsing is done by HTML. So I would call it an
"RDFa processor". And yes, that doesn't change the fact that code needs
to be written. But it affects the type of the code that needs to be

Somewhat of an aside, but for the curious - here is an RDFa parser/processor app:

example: http://rdfquery.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/demos/markup/markup.html
js: http://rdfquery.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/jquery.rdfa.js


The most successful alternative is nothing at all. ^_^ We can
extract copious data from web pages reliably without metadata, either
using our human senses (in personal use) or natural-language-based
processing (in search engine use). It has not yet been established
that sufficient and significant enough problems *exist* to justify a
solution, let alone one that requires an addition to html. That is
what Ian is specifically looking for.

That's what you and Ian claim. Many disagree.

My main problem with the natural language processing option is that it feels too close to waiting for Artificial Intelligence. I'd rather add 6 attributes to HTML and get on with life.

But perhaps a more practical concern is that it unfairly biases things towards popular languages - lucky English, lucky Spanish, etc., and those that lend themselves more to NLP analysis. The Web is for everyone, and people shouldn't be forced to read and write English to enjoy the latest advances in Web automation. Since HTML5 is going through W3C, such considerations need to be taken pretty seriously.

As a note, this isn't the W3C's HTML WG. The WHATWG is independent
from the W3C.

But the WHATWG HTML5 *work* is no longer entirely independent of W3C; the two organizations embarked on a major joint venture. It seems reasonable for members of the WHATWG world to take W3C-oriented considerations seriously, regardless of mailing list.




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