The X/HTML spec reads too much like a law and leave little or no room for the creative
designer minds that eventually need to work with it.
Creative designer minds working on rendering engines and DOM
properties ? Sorry, but one "creative" vendor (MS) apparently is enough
to throw the web off balance ... and no reasonable sane person wants to
repeat that.

I think here you may well have said exactly what is wrong with this whole browser-vendors doing standards problem.

Who ever said that the standards are here for browsers?????????
Just because browsers need to implement the standards does NOT, I repeat NOT mean they are written for browser vendors. Especially not the HTML standards. (I would sooner agree with you on this point regarding CSS than HTML).

HTML is a markup language that is meant to describe how content is to be "tagged" so it can be retrieved based on markup. This has absolutely nothing, and I mean NOTHING to do with browsers, screenreaders, bots, or even humans as far as I am concerned. It is a sec standard describing the hooks that exist in the real world that have existed and evolved since mankind could write and later publish. Humans, UAs, bots, etc. only need to know about these hooks and either implement them or use them as described.

You mention the DOM for example. Good, the DOM is a way of describing how HTML can be implemented in a browser. If you as browser vendors want to describe that and agree upon it amongst yourselves...fine, I would welcome that. But I fail to see why this means you have any right to change HTML itself in the process.

If you want a standard that describes how browsers or UAs in general must deal with HTML than write THAT standard, but leave HTML out of it please.


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