Who ever said that the standards are here for browsers?????????

That's the whoe point of standards: to ensure interoperability between
the laters.

HTML is a markup language that is meant to describe how content is to be
"tagged" so it can be retrieved based on markup.
This has absolutely nothing, and I mean NOTHING to do with browsers,
screenreaders, bots, or even humans as far as I am concerned.

HTML still needs to be interpreted and rendered.

You mention the DOM for example. Good, the DOM is a way of describing how
HTML can be implemented in a browser. If you as browser vendors want to
describe that and agree upon it amongst yourselves...fine, I would welcome

That's what the WHATWG and W3C are for: to agree a common set of rules
for web technologies.

Thanks for the laugh. Now, think twice before rewritting such non-sense.


No need to get personal.

Like I said, I fully understand that UAs must have a standard construct to be able to deal with markup. But that does by no means mean that they should have control over the markup itself. this does not mean ofcourse that UA-vendors couldn't do it; anybody could do it for all I care, as long as they do it with the actual purpose of HTML in mind, and defining an HTML based on the premise "it must be able to render on our browsers" is clearly not it. You have got it the wrong way round, it is "our browser can render it" that would be correct.


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