Dne Fri, 14 Nov 2008 14:40:20 +0100 Pentasis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> napsal/-a:

I agree with the original poster on this.

1) Just because it makes sense to a human (it doesn't to me), does not mean it makes sense to a machine. 2) When using <small> on different text-nodes throughout the document, one would expect all these text-nodes to be semantically the same. But they are not (unless all of them are copyright notices). 3) <small> is a styling element, it has zero semantic meaning, so it does not belong inside HTML. 4) <b>Siemens</b> also does not tell me anything about the semantics. Is it used as a name, a brand a foreign word ? etc. I cannot get that information from looking at the <b> element.


I second that, even though it might have a zero value.


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