On Fri, 08 May 2009 02:10:20 +0100, Tab Atkins Jr. <jackalm...@gmail.com> wrote:

On Thu, May 7, 2009 at 10:17 AM, Bruce Lawson <bru...@opera.com> wrote:

Should autoplay be removed as an attribute of audio and video, precisely
to remove such annoyance from people who rely on aural browsing? While
there are video sites such as youTube that do play videos automatically,
others such as vimeo don't. Is there an archive that lists the use-cases
for autoplay and contrasts it with the "annoyance" and accessibility

I'm convinced by Simon Pieters that removing the autoplay attribute wouldn't solve matters as people would just use script, and a browser option that disables autoplay across the board is better.

But that adds weight to my greater argument for a mandatory control on autoplayed media allowing user to mute sound. Relying in the operating system's volume control is not the option as that mutes the offending sound *and* screenreader output, so the rest of the content is inaudible.

I don't see why this should be a browser requirement.  UAs are
*allowed* to provide such a facility to their users, so if your UA
doesn't, complain until they do!

Perfect solution for those who live in Utopia. But as many users neither choose their browsers, or are unable to change them, it's better to require it of the browser.


Hang loose and stay groovy,

Bruce Lawson
Web Evangelist
www.opera.com (work)
www.brucelawson.co.uk (personal)

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