The common JavaScript libraries should be identified using urn scheme with
JavaScript namespace, as in
<script src="urn:JavaScript:cool-acme-lib:1.0" ></script >

Chris, this was what I was originally thinking of when I read about tag-uri's in the Atom Publishing Protocol (which I think are now defunct).

URN Schemes:

I don't know too much about URN Scheme's but I don't think they provide as much benefit as a hash would be (ugly as they are). In the original email I alluded to canonical or easy to use identifiers that would be alias's for the hash:

   <!-- Canonical name as an identifier for a JS lib and version -->
   <script rel="jquery-1.2.3" src="..." />

Maybe a URN Scheme would be optimal for a canonical name, but I still like the SHA1 hash for verification/validation and dynamic growth.

- Joe

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