
> 2009/8/13 Dr. Markus Walther <>:
>> please note that with cue ranges removed, the last HTML 5 method to
>> perform audio subinterval selection is gone.
> Not quite. You can always use the video.currentTime property in a
> javascript to directly jump to a time offset in a video. And in your
> javascript you can check this property until it arrives at your
> determined end time. So, there is a way to do this even now.

How can polling approach that somehow monitors currentTime meet any
halfway-decent accuracy requirements? E.g. to be accurate to 1-3 samples
at 22050 Hz sampling frequency? I doubt your approach could fulfill this.

To my mind, the current turn of events suggests simply to allow
start/end attributes back into the WHATWG spec, eased by the fact that
there were already browser implementations of it.

-- Markus

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