On 11/29/09 12:15 AM, Kenneth Russell wrote:
I assume you meant JS bitwise operators?  Do we have any indication that
this would be faster than four array property sets?  The bitwise ops in JS
are not necessarily particulary fast.

Yes, that's what I meant. I don't have any data on whether this would
currently be faster than the four separate byte stores.

Are they even byte stores, necessarily? I know in Gecko imagedata is just a JS array at the moment; it stores each of R,G,B,A as a JS Number (with the usual "if it's an integer store as an integer" optimization arrays do). That might well change in the future, and I hope it does, but that's the current code.

I can't speak to what the behavior is in Webkit, and in particular whether it's even the same when using V8 vs Nitro.


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