On 7/30/10 10:27 PM, Roger Hågensen wrote:
On 7/30/10 9:57 PM, Roger Hågensen wrote:
<a href="stuff.zip" download>This defaults to application/octet-stream
and clicking the link will behave as if the user selected Save As from
UI context menu!</a>

When I say the "Save As" UI I mean the one you get currently, which
varies, some browsers only provide a Save As and Cancel, while others
provide Save As with Open and Cancel.

I can't name a single browser that provides an "Open" option if you select "Save As" from the context menu. Can you?

So based on your remarks, maybe the spec could state that if a browser
believe it can handle the file type then it should present a Open + Save
As UI,
but if it can not handle the filetype (aka handling un-configured or the
user set the browser's settings this way) then it should just present
Save As without Open.

So you mean the browser should act as if content-disposition:attachment were specified? Why not just say that?


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