On Mon, 2010-08-02 at 18:09 +0200, Dennis Joachimsthaler wrote:

> Ben Schwarz <ben.schw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I'm really not too sure what pre-existing problem this actually solves.
> > Given that a server sets the correct mime-types for a given resource, we
> > know what "type" it is already.
> Yes, since we don't want to set MIME-Types. I want to be able to set
> what a file actually is. Is it a file which is supposed to be shown in
> the browser? Or is it an "attachment" (refering to the content-disposition
> setting)
> > Setting the Content-disposition on the client side creates an annoying  
> > user
> > experience.
> I don't think so. What would you rather have?
> <download>
> (Please right click and save target as)
> or
> <download>

Which can easily be done with sever-side code. It's still annoying for
the end user when things like this happen though. For example, who do
you know that hasn't turned off whatever PDF browser plugin has been
installed along with their Acrobat Reader?


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