On 5/16/11 5:26 PM, fantasai wrote:
No, because browsers treat a large number of non-whitespace characters
as allowing line breaks after them. Authors need something to prevent
ridiculous and distorting line breaks in, say, "-1", "%5", and "f(1)".

OK. I think that something belongs in CSS (or, going out on a limb,
should just be considered a quality-of-implementation issue). This
is not an HTML-specific problem.

CSS3 Text does recommend doing some kind of prioritization when allowing
breaks at punctuation other than spaces, so it is both a CSS issue and
a quality-of-implementation issue. :)

Whether to prioritize is a CSS issue. Whether there's a breakpoint at all after the 'f' in the string "y = f(1)" is a quality of implementation issue, imo.

Another thing to ponder: I accept that <wbr> inside <nobr> should allow
breaking. Should <wbr> inside <pre> allow breaking?

That's an interesting one. I'd have to test like Netscape 4 to find out.

If <wbr> doesn't break in <pre>, then it seems the rule we want is either
wbr { content: '\8203' /* zwsp */ }
nobr wbr { text-wrap: normal; }
wbr { content: '\8203' /* zwsp */; text-wrap: normal; }
pre wbr { content: none; }

I'm leaning somewhat towards the second option.

Well, it doesn't interact well with replacing <pre> with <div> and some styles.... Hence the question, in fact.


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