On Sun, Sep 4, 2011 at 10:43 PM, Shaun Moss <sh...@astromultimedia.com> wrote:
> Yes, but this is not semantic!!! Comments are not articles. They are
> completely different. Comments can appear in reference to things that are
> not articles (such as status updates), and therefore would not appear inside
> an <article> tag - so how would the browser recognise them as comments?

It is semantic.

Comments *are* in fact articles. You're thinking of it in the wrong
way. Article is not a newspaper article, but something that would make
sense to stand on its own.

So, a *nested* article is defined to be dependent on the outer
article, but still it is it's own content and can be syndicated as a
individual content piece that's related to the parent article.

It makes perfect sense and is quite beautiful and doesn't require a
whole slew of tags. It's very nicely done.

And comments /are/ syndicated. Just look at WordPress. When I read
blogs in Liferea, I get the blog posts, as well as each individual
comment loaded from the syndicated comment-stream from that particular
blog post.

  <h1>HTML5 is great</h1>
  <p>Yup. It is.</p>
  <footer><p>By Me</p></footer>

    <p>You're so correct!</p>
    <footer><p>By Ben</p></footer>

    <p>Better than butter, I say</p>
    <footer><p>By Adam</p></footer>


Perfect is the enemy of good. Cue in xhtml2. :-)

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Odin Hørthe Omdal <odin.om...@gmail.com>
English, technical: http://tech.velmont.net
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