Ashley, Anselm,

Le 6 sept. 2011 à 08:36, Ashley Sheridan a écrit :
> Yes, but the point is, the alternative images you may want to display for 
> visitors on a smaller screen/resolution could be completely different from 
> the original image (cropped shot not showing all the detail, etc).

Yes already happening with background images with not text alt at all. So let's 
say it is progress.

Le 6 sept. 2011 à 09:07, Anselm Hannemann - Novolo Designagentur a écrit :
> by the way, how should we work with your solution, Karl, and a CMS or CSS 
> files from a static domain? Is no one building a dynamic site?

could you clarify?

Karl Dubost -
Developer Relations & Tools, Opera Software

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