On Tue, 07 Feb 2012 14:49:16 -0000, David Goss <dvdg...@gmail.com> wrote:

I guess I've moved away from similarities with <video>, in that I've
been thinking of the <img> as the default content, not the fallback
content. Going with your angle for a simple example with two sizes:

<picture alt="alternative text" src="default.jpg">
  <source href="large.jpg" media="min-width:700px" />
  <img alt="alternative text" src="default.jpg" />

A new element may be an opportunity to get the "alt" right, i.e. in element's body, not flattened in an attribute.

  <source href="wide.jpg" media="orientation: landscape" />
  <source href="narrow.jpg" media="orientation: portrait" />

  <img alt="alternative text" src="default.jpg" />

  alternative <em>text</em>

For DPI/filesize selection I'd prefer something simpler:

<picture src="large.jpg" lowsrc="small.jpg"> <!-- or <source high-dpi-href="" or such> -->
  alternative <em>text</em>

as it's going to be very hard to write a media query that takes into account various screen sizes, DPI and bandwidth/metering at the same time.

When browser has a high-quality image the cached already, but media query for "network-connection: gprs" matches, it would be shame to force it to switch to a lousy image.

regards, Kornel Lesiński

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