On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 2:18 AM, James Graham <jgra...@opera.com> wrote:
> FWIW I think that forming community groups that are limited in scope to
> gathering and distilling the relevant use cases could be a functional way of
> working. For example if, in this case, people had said "we will form a group
> that will spend 4 weeks documenting and prioritising all the use cases that
> a responsive images feature needs to cover" and then the results of that
> work had been taken to a forum where browser implementors are engaged (e.g.
> WHATWG), I think we would have had a relatively smooth ride toward a
> universially acceptable solution.

Yup.  This is basically what the CG *did*, in practice, and it was
very useful.  There was an unfortunate expectation that their goal was
to write spec text that would be simply adopted into the spec, though.
 Making sure the expectations are clearer in the future would be a
good move.


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