On 11/30/12 2:23 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
It would be somewhat cleaner if she could simply construct a
DOMStringMap and assign it, like so:

for(var i = 0; i < cards.length; i++) {
   cards[i].dataset = new DOMStringMap(carddata[i]);

So this would copy the DOMStringMap into the dataset, not actually change the value of cards[i].dataset, right?

Given that, would it make more sense to just have a setFrom method on dataset that takes a string? I guess the problem with that is name collisions with data items...

Really, what we want to be able to do here is assign a string to .dataset and have it do the right thing... WebIDL doesn't really support that very well; perhaps it should.

Another potentially interesting use-case for this is making it
possible to "transfer" data-* attributes from one element to another
with a simple "el1.dataset = el2.dataset;" statement.

Again, this would copy, not share, yes?


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