Am 20.03.2013 02:20 schrieb Kit Grose:
In almost every case the placeholder remains visible until the user has begun 
typing, as I strongly believe it ought to be remain in the specification, since 
it provides the contextual hint for as long as possible.
Do you refer to author implementations via scripting? As in Opera and IE 10, the placeholder gets hidden when the field is focused; thus, regarding browser implementations, the "almost every case" refers to Firefox, Chrome, and some versions of Safari.

That it has historically been implemented in a way that implies selectable content is, I 
believe, chiefly due to the lack of support for a "right" way to do this (which 
has led many developers to implement the placeholder text simply by setting the field's 
value to the placeholder text as the simplest implementation).
The current implementations of Firefox and Chrome seem to imply selectable content at least to some users, as Tim and myself reported in this thread. Both show the placeholder in a lighter color than the input text; this does not seem to fully solve the issue, maybe because many web designers color text in form fields anyway.

The problem is that some users do not even start to type when they see text in the field they focused. Thus I strongly believe that some visible hint at the _focusing_ moment would be helpful for these users. If the Opera and IE behaviour of totally hiding the placeholder is considered as suboptimal, the placeholder could be blurred, made semi-transparent or whatever; but I am sure that something should happen when the control gets focus, and not only when the user starts typing.

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