On 22/03/2013, at 6:20 AM, Roger Hågensen wrote:

> Ideally a browser chrome should follow the OS styleguide to provide a 
> consistent OS user experience.
> And with HTML5 stuff should behave consistently in all HTML5 supporting 
> browsers.

I disagree that "all HTML5 supporting browsers" should (necessarily) behave 
consistently, especially coupled with the implication that it should do so even 
in violation of the OS's conventions.

UAs should implement all interactive controls in the way that is most 
consistent with user expectations. Surely it's better for users that their 
browser behaves consistently with the other apps on their own system than it is 
for browsers to behave consistently across a variety of platforms.

I don't believe the specification should dictate any visual style for 
placeholders, nor any specific behaviour for hiding the placeholder. In that 
way, I support the current phrasing of the specification which cedes that 
decision to implementors. This provides each implementor the latitude to 
implement the placeholder behaviour in a way that is consistent with the 
platform it's running on, as they (presumably) currently do for their browser 

Kit Grose
User Experience + Tech Director,

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