There's a lot of worker features that aren't widely supported yet, like
rendering to canvas with WebGL and 2D, Web Audio support, inputs, various
APIs like speech and fullscreen, so I don't think that's practical right
now. I guess that's not a reason to standardise a new feature, but is there
not at least a workaround for the mean time? Are workers able to wake the
UI with postMessage()?

On 20 February 2014 18:50, Glenn Maynard <> wrote:

> On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 12:35 PM, Rik Cabanier <> wrote:
>> This sounds like work that should be done in a worker.  Worker timers
>>> aren't throttled when in the background, and this is exactly something
>>> workers are for.
>> Is WebRTC available in a worker?
> I don't know, but if not, fixing that is probably closer to the right
> direction than letting people run fast timers in minimized UI threads.  If
> this is just messaging of game state, he could probably do just relay that
> through the UI thread, so the game simulation still takes place in a worker.
> --
> Glenn Maynard

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