> The problem you describe above was addressed by Apple in iOS 9.3 and also in
Safari 9.1 on Mac.

My iPad is on iOS 9.3.1, but I was using the UC browser at the time.

I couldn't relocate the exact scamjam page I saw in the morning, but found
this url of a company that supposedly "helps" people fix the issue on their
phones somehow:

page is safe, ordinary wordpress/blog.)

Their post is fairly recent. And they have a few screenshots of the modal
that people see so I'm guessing that this is still a problem for a lot of
users out there; and is big enough to warrant/sprout/support scammy
businesses like that.

- a

On 14 April 2016 at 16:25, Darin Adler <da...@apple.com> wrote:

> > On Apr 14, 2016, at 1:04 PM, Domenic Denicola <d...@domenic.me> wrote:
> >
> > I'm not sure whether this has much of a spec impact. The spec already
> allows great leniency in these areas; e.g.
> https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/webappapis.html#dom-alert step 3
> and the "optionally" in step 7. If any browser has qualms with the current
> language and would like it to be more flexible, we're certainly open to
> that, in the same spirit as the semi-recent
> https://github.com/whatwg/html/pull/714.
> Here are two things we might want to address in the specification—not sure
> either is practical:
> - Find some place to emphasize the importance of having UI driven by a
> webpage not seem to come from the browser or operating system and not block
> user interface that lets a user “leave”. Documenting this kind of thing
> makes it more practical to build a new browser engine, cutting down on the
> “unwritten lore” needed to make an acceptable user experience. I think
> making this clear is important for the Simple Dialogs feature, but also
> many other features such as full screen modes. Maybe this calls for a
> section like the “Security and privacy” section someone wrote for
> registerProtocolHandler?
> - This one is even more “aspirational”: Clarify the relationship between
> multiple webpages that are separately running JavaScript. When content from
> the same website is open in multiple windows, the ancient classic version
> of these Simple Dialogs functions in the oldest web browsers accidentally
> guaranteed that everything in both windows was paused until the user
> responded. I think it would be good if there was some way we could clearly
> state to website authors that this is not the case any more. Ideally we
> would find a way to make it practical to quickly discover if a website
> author accidentally relied on something like that, but I am not optimistic
> that we can.
> — Darin

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