> On Apr 15, 2016, at 9:35 AM, Nils Dagsson Moskopp 
> <n...@dieweltistgarnichtso.net> wrote:
> Clearly distinguishing between browser chrome and the current document
> interface-wise can be helpful here. While it is incredibly easy to fool
> people in general, browsers that automagically hide the address bar also
> hide information about the state of the browser program. The browser
> still has a state, but it forces the user to remember or deduce it.

Which browsers automagically hide the address bar?

> I think a good thing would be to keep browser applications' interfaces
> stable and not change things for the sake of change with every upgrade.

I believe we are talking about changes that are needed to improve clarity and 

This is a straw man. I can’t think of any browser that changes things “for the 
sake of change with every upgrade”.

— Darin

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