On 12/07/11 19:38, Jim R. Wilson wrote:

I'm not sure whether the problems are the same.  After failing to get
0.90.3 working I reached out to the community.  Digging through the
error logs, it looked like I had a mismatch between hadoop versions.
(The one that HBase required was newer that the one Whirr uses by
default, and the one that HBase prefers is not publically available

For 0.90.3, you need an hadoop built from https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/hadoop/common/branches/branch-0.20-append/

The maven artifacts for this branch can be found on http://people.apache.org/~rawson/repo/ but i guess it won't help for Whirr.

A known workaround is to copy the hadoop jar distributed in hbase to the official hadoop 0.20 distribution (so simply "replacing" the jar). This allows to rely on official distribution and "hack" a bit after extracting the tarballs (documented on http://hbase.apache.org/book/hadoop.html).

Don't know if it can work out this way for Whirr?


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