> What would be the alternative for a public URL? (for tarballs)

Whirr 0.5.0 can publish local artifacts before starting a cluster. You
just have to use a local URL for the tarball (e.g.
whirr.hadoop.tarball.url=file:///my/local/hadoop-build.tar.gz). For
EC2 Whirr will automatically use S3 to create a temporary container.

Keep in mind that when extracted the name of folder should be the same
as the name of the archive (without extension).

> The best case would be if Apache made the correct version of hadoop available 
> for each release of HBase.  That seems like the responsible thing for them to 
> do.  I believe BigTop will eventually move things in that direction.

I also hope this will happen. As you can see we are having a hard time
getting this right in Whirr.

> Regardless of this, I think it is still interesting to run the configuration 
> phase for all templates in parallel. I have a patch for this ready, any 
> interest in this?

@Bruno Sounds good to me. Concurrency should not break anything if we
are limiting the scope to only one phase of the process.


-- Andrei

On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 10:38 AM, Jim R. Wilson <wilson.ji...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 12:21 PM, Bruno Dumon <br...@outerthought.org>
> wrote:
>> On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 5:51 PM, Jim R. Wilson <wilson.ji...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> What version? The de-facto HBase version is 0.89.xxxxxx (as of Whirr
>>> 0.5.0).  When I change the "whirr.hbase.tarball.url" to point at HBase
>>> 0.90.3, I get the Master won't start error of the other email thread.
>> I didn't specify a version so it was likely the 0.89 one. Maybe I'll give
>> it another try tomorrow with 0.90.3. If the problem is the same as with CDH
>> (wait with starting the HBase services until the namenode is available),
>> then it is easy to apply my fix to the stock hbase configure script as well.
> I'm not sure whether the problems are the same.  After failing to get 0.90.3
> working I reached out to the community.  Digging through the error logs, it
> looked like I had a mismatch between hadoop versions. (The one that HBase
> required was newer that the one Whirr uses by default, and the one that
> HBase prefers is not publically available anywhere).
>>> One complication is that HBase 0.90.3 needs an unreleased version of
>>> Hadoop.  I thought I could use the CDH hadoop 0.20.2 with stock HBase
>>> 0.90.3, but that didn't help matters.  I thought my problem was just hadoop
>>> versioning, but after asking around here, it seems there are other problems.
>>> The fact that Whirr requires a public URL to download these things from
>>> is also problematic.  I could roll my own hadoop at the version level that
>>> HBase expects, but then I'd have to host it somewhere.  My use-case,
>>> however, is that I'm writing a book, and hoping to make it easy  for readers
>>> to play with a cluster of latest HBase (so I'd prefer not to host a binary
>>> since I'd have to make in internet public).
>> What would be the alternative for a public URL? Upload it from the user's
>> workstation? While it would be possible to implement that, it would require
>> serious upload capacity from the user, especially when doing a naive upload
>> of the .tar.gz to every node that needs it.
> Right, it's not ideal.  It /would/ support the case where someone rolls
> their own trunk version of HBase/hadoop, but I don't expect this to be a
> common use case.
> The best case would be if Apache made the correct version of hadoop
> available for each release of HBase.  That seems like the responsible thing
> for them to do.  I believe BigTop will eventually move things in that
> direction.
> In any case, I'm about ready to concede that CDH is my best bet, even though
> they're two versions behind.
>>> For me, CDH (0.90.1) is better than 0.89.x, but I really want 0.90.3.  If
>>> we can get CDH working, I'd probably be willing to back off of 0.90.3 and
>>> change the book to use 0.90.1.  I'd really prefer not to use 0.89 though
>>> since it's now several releases back.
>>> -- Jim
>> --
>> Bruno Dumon
>> Outerthought
>> http://outerthought.org/
> -- Jim

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