Hi Gwyn,

Thanks for taking the time to respond. I tried the war as you suggested in Jetty and got the same problem. There has to be something wrong with what I am doing. The war must be messed up but I cannot seem to isolate exactly what is going on. Could you checkout the project and lend me a second pair of eyes. The example is straight from the examples on the site and very trivial. I can contribute mavenized projects for all the examples once I get all this up and working. I know its not much but at least people in my position will not stumble as I have.

Thanks again,

Gwyn Evans wrote:

I haven't had a chance to download it & try it yet, but that sounds to
be as if it's Tomcat failing to parse the web app or the web.xml and
recognise the app.  Maybe check the Tomcat logs to double-check it's
not defaulting to an empty (internal) web-xml?

 I'd be tempted to see what Jetty or Resin made of the .war, as I'm
not convinced that Tomcat is the best thing to be trying if things
aren't going as expected - I find the others give better or at least
alternative messages that may help determine what's happening.


On 10/08/05, Alex Karasulu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I just tried the kickstart successfully then thought I'd take a look at
getting maven to build a war of the hello world example.  For some
reason I cannot get it to work.  I have checked in the code to a public
repository along with the maven configuration here:


The setup is rather rudimentary.  The war builds just fine with a maven
war.  I can deploy it and get the following from the catalina logs on

[21:49:16] INFO [wicket.protocol.http.WicketServlet] - WicketServlet
loaded application HelloWorldApplication via
wicket.protocol.http.ContextParamWebApplicationFactory factory

So it looks like its working.  I get the same message btw when I drop
the helloworld.war generated from a maven war command into the tomcat
webapps directory.  Incidentally this is tomcat 4.1.31 running on
1.4.2_08 of the JDK on Linux FC4.

The problem is when I navigate to http://localhost:8080/helloworld I get
a directory listing showing the HelloWorld.html file in it.  The servlet
mapping comes into question here but it all looks good.  I took it
straight from the example.  Could someone lend a hand to figure out what
I'm doing wrong here.  I really want to get going on wicket since JSF is
definately not an option after reading about wicket :).

Thanks much,

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