Most things i see use it as this:



new DropDownChoice("country", new Model(person), COUNTRY_LIST, new ChoiceRender("id", "name"))


On 10/28/05, David Ruberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Fri, 28 Oct 2005 10:03:53 -0700, Johan Compagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


> The id was not null!
> Only when the selection is null and null is allowed Choose One is added.

This was the problem.  I had changed the default from null to an empty
String in the model.  That is why it stopped working.


> But what you could do is for example make getUSState() object on youre
> model
> that is looked up by for example hibernate as a 1-> N relation and code
> is
> the key..
> Then you can do setUSState(USState) on youre object but the value stored
> to
> the database is ofcourse just the code

This is an approach I hadn't thought about.

> Perhaps I don't understand the intended usage here.
>> It seems like the type of thing I want to do must be fairly common. Say
>> I
>> want to list US States by full name, but persist the abbreviation (code)
>> in my model. A map of Strings in the front end (display, value) to a
>> String in the model (value). Is there a simple way to do this?
> Pretty simple
> first:
> What is youre selected object?
> this is the code because you don't have setUSState/getUSState as
> explained
> above.
> then make a list of the same things that can be selected, so in youre
> case
> the codes
> Then make a choiceRenderer:
> class StateChoiceRender
> {
> Map codesToStates
> getDisplayValue(Object code, int index)
> {
> // the object is one of the code strings. you want to display the name
> so in
> this
> return ((USStates)codesToNames.get(code)).getName();
> }
> getIdValue(Object code)
> {
> // the code string is directly the id value:
> return code;
> }
> }
> new DropDownChoice("usstate", LIST_OF_CODES, new StateChoiceRenderer())
> then it works.

I think I understand.  Following this example, I could do away with the
USState object altogether, and use a List of codes and a custom
ChoiceRenderer containing a Map.  At this point, wouldn't it be easier if
there was a DropDownChoice that directly accepted a Map?  I really only
care about moving a String around.  I don't think that for this project
I'll ever really need a USState object, and the additional complexity it
brings, though it is nicer OO.

Thanks again. I appreciate all your help.


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