Hey all, so I'm starting to play with Wicket and loving it, but I currently have a small pethate with the URL scheme used in the application.

I realize the look of the URL "shouldn't" really matter, but I keep finding myself disliking it.

Currently my app shows a URL like:


Is there a way to get the app to resolve the above using something like:


or even


I guess it could be possible to say 'register' the package
com.theoryinpractice.testapp.pages as a place where pages could be found and "resolve" the class to use instead of using the FQN all the time, this would only work in the case of unambiguous classes thou.

Or maybe theres something already in wicket for more REST like URL schemes?  I notice in the basic framework there's only a BookmarkablePage extension of Page, is there something in wicket-stuff maybe?

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