On Fri, 2 Dec 2005 22:51:05 +0100, Johan Compagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Maybe we should build something that it is easier for models to version
themselfs. Like an interface IVersionable with a method Serializeable
Which a model can implement. And then we don't store the complete model but
only that data.

If I understand right than a IModel which does not implement IVersionable does not get stored in the version history? I think this would be good, because the current situation is confusing.

Concerning DataView I'd say that when a the IDataProvider is given directly in the constructor. It should not be stored as the model of DataView but kept in an instancefield, because in nearly all cases it will be a pull-model. If you need versioning than you can always wrap it in a model.



On 12/2/05, Nathan Hamblen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This came up before when I was trying to track down why reversing the
sort order of a DataView was bringing down my test application.
(http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.java.wicket.user/4309) It turned out
that the page versioning code was serializing the entire view hierarchy,
recursively, because of anonymous model classes that contained pointers
back into the view.

The consensus was that you would have to turn off page versioning if you
wanted an anonymous IModel. Is this still the case? I'm just now
noticing anonymous IModels becoming sort of recommended. Does that mean
than page versioning is not recommended anymore?

I'll admit don't even understand how versioning is supposed to work.
DataView sorting seems to be one of the few things that triggers it.
I've got forms updating models all over the place and nary a version to
be seen. So, I just turn it OFF then, and anonymously subclass IModel to
my heart's content?


Christian Essl wrote:
> On Thu, 1 Dec 2005 14:24:20 -0500, Andrew Berman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> Honestly, I don't think there ever was a Spring Integration problem. I
>> think people were just looking for a cookie-cutter approach to using
>> Spring
>> within Wicket. It's actually quite easy to do without using any of the
>> Spring stuff that Igor and others wrote, but it's always a good thing
>> have a common approach that everyone can follow.
> Honestly, I think Igor did a good job: It is just easier and more
> natural to write over and over again:
> new HibernateModel(obj,_dao);
> than
> new HibernateModel(obj, new Model(){
>    getObject(Component comp){
>       return ((MyApplication)Appliation.get()).getDAO();
>    }
> });
> and this is not restricted to HibernateDAOs but to any bean you do not
> want to get serialized whtih your components.
> Christian
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