first areyou sure that the sidebar uses cookies so that we know the session?

does the ajax work in a normal tab main webpage?
that opening looks like a thing of firefox

dont know about 3 need to see some example for that

On 2/4/06, Mark Derricutt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey all,
> I've started playing with AjaxSelfUpdatingTimerBehavior's in my simple
> wicket application (CVS snapshot of Wicket ~1day old) and noticed some odd
> behaviour:
>    1. The moment the AJAX update occurs, if I submit any forms on the
>    page, I get redirected to a "Page Expired" page.  Is this configurable?
> I
>    can imagine a page being expired if a session timed out, but this is only
>    like after 5 seconds.
>    2. I'm running my application from the Firefox sidebar, the default
>    Page Expired page has a link to "Return to home page" which loads the
> home
>    page in tthe first firefox tab, not the side bar.  There doesn't seem to
> be
>    any target's on the HREF so I'm not sure why its opening in the main page
>    :(  Any ideas?
>    3. If I add an AjaxSelfUpdatingTimerBehavior behaviour to a Label
>    thats part of a ListView, wicket crashes out, I tried adding a
>    MarkupIdSetter.INSTANCE behaviour like I've seen in the Ajax clock
>    example but no joy.
>    wicket.WicketRuntimeException: Unable to determine markup for
> component: [Component id = activityTime, page =
> wicket.quickstart.Index, path = 0:activities:0:activityTime.Label,
> isVisible = true, isVersioned = true]
>         at wicket.Component.getMarkupId(
>         at
> wicket.ajax.AjaxSelfUpdatingTimerBehavior.onComponentTag(
>         at
> wicket.behavior.AbstractAjaxBehavior.onComponentTag(
> Any one got any ideas?
> PS: Loving the simplicity of the AJAX behaviors - very nice.
> --
> i like my video games - mamma said they are gonna melt my brains
> i like my video games - i don't care what daddy said; they're my reality
>   - henning pauly

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