On 2/5/06, Johan Compagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

dont know about 3 need to see some example for that

It seems to add the first component but dies on subsequent ones.  Looking at the generated markup I see:

<span wicket:id="totalTime" id="totalTime"
Here the id is being set to the wicket id, and doesn't include any path information such as 1:totalTime which is mentioned in the wicketAjaxGet() call.

Inside a ListView I'd expect something akin to:
<span wicket:id
="totalTime" id="1:totalTime">848</span>
span wicket:id="totalTime" id="2:totalTime">848</span>
Which uniquely identifies each of the elements.

The way I have my ListView setup is:

    private class ActivityListView extends ListView {
        public ActivityListView(String component, List list) {
            super(component, list);

        public void populateItem(final ListItem listItem) {
            final Activity activity = (Activity) listItem.getModelObject();

            listItem.add(new Label("name", activity.getName()));
            Label label = new Label("description", activity.getDescription());

            listItem.add(new WorkItemsListView("workItems", activity.getWorkItems()));
            Label labelTime = new Label("activityTime", new MyAbstractReadOnlyModel(activity));
            labelTime.add(new AjaxSelfUpdatingTimerBehavior(60 * 1024));

i like my video games - mamma said they are gonna melt my brains
i like my video games - i don't care what daddy said; they're my reality
  - henning pauly

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