On 10/04/06, Dave Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What are some good references that clearly explain the various levels of
> software I encounter, such as Linux, Tomcat,  Jetty, Hibernate, PHP,
> MySQL and all the rest, and whether they're on the local machine or the
> remote server?  And which are even needed?
> Most of what I find seems to assume too much familiarity with these
> issues.  I need a high-level overview that explains all this stuff
> without dropping down to 300 feet so quickly.  Blindly following
> installation instructions doesn't work well without knowing the
> consequences of various choices.

  I'm not aware of any specific starting point, but there are
certainly a number of points that will help once you have managed to
get a feel for what belongs where - Hopefully the following (very
brief) comments will help though...

  Linux: Operating System (also WinXP, OSX, Solaris)
    - Shouldn't make any real difference to the applications being
developed as the Java apps run in a java virtual machine, which
provides a common environment to the application despite the different

  Tomcat, Jetty: Java Servlet Engines/Containers (also Resin).
    - Server-side apps that host web applications consisting of Java
Servlets. Client-side web-browsers make requests, which get passed to
the servlets by the servlet engines/containers, which respond with
HTML pages.
Try one or more, just don't try & run more than one at a time unless
you configure them to listen on different ports (typically they'll all
default to listening on port 8080).  (Tomcat is the commonest, but not
the easiest to configure nor the clearest when things go wrong - I'd
recommend evaluating Jetty & Resin too, as they're both good & often
provide better diagnostics.)

  MySQL: Relational Database (also Oracle, PostgreSQL, HSQLDB)
    - Server-side apps that the servlets/web-apps will use to store
data. Will involve SQL and JDBC drivers.

  Hibernate: Persistence framework (also IBatis, JDO & Spring SQL)
    - Helps to map between Object-orientated Java code and the
Record-orientated world of relational databases. Leave 'till later!

  PHP: Scripting language that can be embedded into HTML.
    - Not related to Java or Servlet engines, but rather an
alternative. Runs in web servers such as Apache.  The goal of the
language is to allow web developers to write dynamically generated
pages quickly. Can lead to difficult to maintain code!

  JSP: Java Server Pages : Java-based scripting language that can be
embedded into HTML.
    - Runs in jsp/servlet engines such as Tomcat.  The goal of the
language is to allow web developers to write dynamically generated
pages quickly. Can lead to difficult to maintain code!

Sun's Servlet Docs - http://java.sun.com/products/servlet/docs.html
Keep asking questions, though.


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