You should use AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior for this. Then you
can just get your model object. Your model object has to be something
that is update-able though. Currently you use a string, which is read
only. Do e.g. something like this:

    public class SampleTextArea extends TextArea {

        private String text;

        public SampleTextArea(String id) {
            setModel(new PropertyModel(this, "text"));
            add(new AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior("onchange"){

                protected void onUpdate(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
                    System.out.println("text: " + text);

       public String getText(){ return text; }

       public void setText(String text) { this.text = text; }


On 7/6/06, Imran M Yousuf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear users,
>  I have a situation where I need to get a value from a text area without
> submitting the form. To do this I think Ajax is the perfect candidate, but I
> cant get the value. How do I get that value from Ajax? Thanks for the help
> in advance. I am using the following code:
>  import wicket.ajax.AjaxEventBehavior;
>  import wicket.ajax.AjaxRequestTarget;
>  import wicket.ajax.markup.html.AjaxFallbackLink;
>  import wicket.markup.html.WebPage;
>  import wicket.markup.html.form.Form;
>  import wicket.markup.html.form.TextArea;
>  import wicket.model.Model;
>  public class AutherizationPageSample extends WebPage{
>      private static final long serialVersionUID = 1887L;
>      SampleTextArea area;
>      String areaModel = "Imran M Yousuf";
>      public AutherizationPageSample(){
>          area = new SampleTextArea("area");
>          area.setModel(new Model(areaModel));
>          AjaxFallbackLink link = new AjaxFallbackLink ("link"){
>              private static final long serialVersionUID = 9001L;
>              @Override
>              public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget arg0) {
>                  // TODO Auto-generated method stub
>                  System.out.println("Value: "+ area.getValue());
>                  System.out.println("Has Raw: "+ area.hasRawInput());
>                  System.out.println("Raw In: "+ area.getRawInput());
>                  System.out.println("Model Str: "+
> area.getModelObjectAsString());
>                  System.out.println("Model Obj: "+ area.getModelObject());
>                  System.out.println("Latest: "+ area.getLatest());
>              }
>          };
>          add(new SampleForm("form"));
>          add(link);
>      }
>      public class SampleForm extends Form{
>          private static final long serialVersionUID = 1011L;
>          public SampleForm(String arg0) {
>              super(arg0);
>              add(area);
>          }
>          public void onSubmit(){
>              System.out.println("Area Value: " + area.getValue());
>          }
>      }
>      public class SampleTextArea extends TextArea{
>          private String latestText;
>          public SampleTextArea(String arg0) {
>              super(arg0);
>              add(new AjaxEventBehavior("onchange"){
>                  @Override
>                  protected void onEvent(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
>                      System.out.println("Changed " +
> getComponent().getModelObject());
>                  }
>              });
>          }
>          public String getLatest(){
>              return "Latest";
>          }
>          public String getLatestText(){
>              return latestText;
>          }
>      }
>  }
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