Why are you calling again render on the page?
The page is already rendered by the call startPage()

On 8/8/06, David Hansen < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
For the last little while, we've been doing just fine under 1.1 with
the following( for generation of email, the text of which is pulled
from the response ):

                     WicketTester tester = new WicketTester( );

                     StringResponse response = new StringResponse( );
                     RequestCycle cycle = tester.createRequestCycle( );

                     tester.getWicketSession( ).setRequestCycle
( cycle );
                     cycle.setResponse( response );

                     Page page = tester.startPage( new
OrderPlaced.XPageSource( order ) );
                     page.getSession( ).setRequestCycle( cycle );
                     page.render( );

As part of our effort to migrate to 1.2, however,
Session#setRequestCycle( ) no longer exists, so we tried assuming
that WicketTester would create a RequestCycle and put it into
threadlocal where the result of tester.startPage( ) would have access
to it, but no dice.  page.getRequestCycle( ) returns null and
page.render( ) results in an NPE thrown in Page#configureResponse( )

Any ways around this?  Bear in mind this is being run inside a worker
thread completely outside the main wicket app, so pushing and popping
sessions won't work here.  Thanks.

  - Dave

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