Title: Info-Message for DropDownChoice


I'm using a DropDownChoice and I have one entry which shouldn't be selected.
I implemented a validator which captures this feature. The validator does the right thing but only when the page is submitted.

The problem is that I need an info message before submitting the form!
Here some code:

The DropDownChoice initialized in the Page-Constructor:

XXXDropDownChoice dropDownChoice = new XXXDropDownChoice(
                                "xxx", listModel, new ChoiceRenderer("name",
                                                "id"), false);
                dropDownChoice.add(new XXXChoiceValidator());
                if (!dropDownChoice.isChoiceAvailable()){
                        getFeedbackMessages().info(dropDownChoice ,"An info text!");

The method isChoiceAvailable() in my XXXDropDownChoice is implemented using the model and the choices:

    public boolean isChoiceAvailable(){
                List baseChoicesList = super.getChoices();
                Object choiceObject = getModelObject();
                return baseChoicesList.contains(choiceObject);

Thanks for Help,


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