Title: example signin2 questions



I'am building a authentication system as used in the signin2 example. I'am wondering about the behavior, i don't know if this standard or not.


case 1) I open monzille firefox and go the http://localhost:8080/wicket-examples-1.2.2/signin2 i log in and a get the welcome page. I open a new tab of firefox past the url and i directly get the welcome page without logging in. When i open a new Window and put in the url i also get the welcome page. With other words the session is shared.


case ie 7) between tabs it is shared , a new window is a new session.


Question1) Is it possible to have the same behaviour for both.


Question2) Is it possible that a tab or a new window is always a new session.



Henk Laracker

Henk Laracker
Lead Architect

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